Good customer support is essential for businesses looking to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. One innovative approach gaining traction is the use of video content to troubleshoot, demonstrate the correct use of products and answer FAQs. Here we’re exploring how you can use video for your customer support to benefit both you and your customers. 

Types of Customer Support Videos

Informative Videos for FAQs

When customers encounter recurring inquiries, providing informative videos such as product demonstrations or setup guides can be a game-changer. These videos offer succinct explanations, guiding users through complex processes or clarifying product features. By addressing FAQs visually, you can help customers to resolve issues independently, thereby reducing reliance on and cost of dedicated support staff.

Troubleshooting with Video Instructions

Traditional troubleshooting guides often consist of dense, text-heavy manuals that can overwhelm users. Video instructions, on the other hand, are much easier to follow, demonstrating solutions step-by-step. Visual cues and demonstrations make troubleshooting more accessible, leading to faster resolutions and increased customer satisfaction.

Comparing Video Instructions with Written Guides

Video instructions offer several advantages over traditional written alternatives. Firstly, they cater to diverse learning styles, accommodating both visual and auditory learners. Videos can also eliminate language barriers, making instructions universally understandable, and you can add subtitles in multiple languages for further clarity. 

Benefits of Using Video for Customer Support

Reducing Query Resolution Time

Quick response and resolution times are staples of good customer support. By strategically deploying videos across various touchpoints in the customer journey, you can provide assistance at the right time without hassle. Whether addressing pre-purchase inquiries or post-sales support issues, targeted video content enables swift and efficient problem-solving.

Streamlining Customer Support Processes

Consider integrating videos into email responses or knowledge base articles. By providing multimedia solutions, you can preemptively address common concerns, minimising the need for prolonged interactions with support staff. This proactive approach not only saves time but also streamlines the entire customer journey.

Enhanced Shareability and Accessibility

Videos are the most shareable form of online media, making them valuable assets for customer support. Customers can easily share helpful videos with their peers and friends, extending the reach of your support resources. You can also include closed captions to cater to users with hearing impairments and non-native language speakers.

Quick Solutions and Ease of Access

Modern attention spans are dwindling, and customers crave instant solutions. Videos can offer just that—quick, digestible content that addresses their needs promptly. Whether accessed via a laptop or a mobile device, videos provide on-the-go support..

SEO Benefits of Video Content

Beyond enhancing customer support, video content yields significant SEO benefits. Search engines prioritise multimedia-rich content in search results. By optimising video metadata and incorporating relevant keywords, you can boost your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic, potentially leading to more sales.

To maximise SEO impact, optimise video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords. Embed videos within web pages to increase dwell time and reduce bounce rates. Additionally, encourage engagement by enabling social sharing and incorporating video transcripts for accessibility.

Incorporating video as a customer support tool offers benefits for both you and your customers, from improved query resolution to enhanced SEO performance. By harnessing the power of visual media, you can forge stronger connections with your customers while reducing the amount of resources you have to assign to support staff.
If you are interested in creating customer support videos for your business, please get in touch, we’ll be happy to help.