As a small business, you may not have the resources for a big-budget video campaign. However, the benefits of video marketing are so wide-ranging and, by not using video, you could be missing out on a huge potential audience. With that in mind, here are some video marketing ideas that small businesses can easily employ.
Make an introduction video
One creative idea for a short video is the introduction video. Introduction videos are particularly beneficial for new small businesses but they can be used for any business looking to establish themselves with a wider audience.
Introduction videos allow you to introduce your brand, your ethos, your team, your products and your goals to your audience. The best part about these types of videos for a small business is that they cost very little to make, as you should already have all the actors and props you need!
Explainer / how-to videos
Another easy, low-budget video marketing idea for small businesses is the explainer or how-to style video. In these videos, you simply have to demonstrate some of your expertise to your audience.
Start by asking yourself what your target demographic may need help with. Could they benefit from a demonstration of the best way to use one of your products, or would it be better to teach them a skill or some insider knowledge that you have developed from years of industry experience? Not only are these videos helpful to your audience, but they also establish you as an authority in your field.
Testimonial videos
Taking a satisfied customer’s positive review to another level is the testimonial video. This type of content is a great video marketing idea for any small business, as you can demonstrate to your audience how your brand has helped or improved the lives of one of your customers.
Reach out to customers who’ve had a positive interaction with your brand and see if they would be willing to go on camera and talk about their experience. These videos can stand on their own, or you could include them as part of an introduction or brand video.
Behind-the-scenes videos
Another creative idea for a short video for your small business is a behind-the-scenes video. Again, budgeting for these types of videos can be very simple, as you simply need to record the daily processes that make up your brand’s business.
You may want to include some talking heads or a voiceover if you think the visuals need more explanation, but seeing how your products get made or what makes your team tick can be a great insight for your viewers that will allow them to feel like they really know your brand.
FAQ videos
Similar to the explainer video, FAQ videos allow you to directly address the needs or concerns of your target audience. If you get a lot of similar questions about your brand, products or services, then use video to give your answers. Rather than just reading a response, see if you can visually represent your answer as well, with a product demonstration, or behind the scenes footage to accompany your words.
Event videos
If your brand is involved in any type of event, such as conferences, roadshows or even a company retreat, you can use video to capture the proceedings and share them with your audience. All of the action for the video will already be taking place, so all you have to do is record it! Just make sure to employ the help of professional videographers and editors to do this, so that the footage can be cut together in a cinematic and compelling way that will excite your audience.
If your budget is limited, don’t let that deter you from using video marketing. These creative ideas for short videos are perfect for small businesses to still allow you to reach a new audience without breaking the bank.
If you’re looking for more video marketing ideas, or you’re looking for video production and editing services to create your short video, then please get in touch.